Mini Kit of Facilitation Resources Checklist

The following would be sufficient for some simple facilitated in-person engagement methods.

  • Laptop/Cables (for presentations). Ensure venues have screen and AV points required
  • Name tags, sign-in sheets, participant lists
  • Paper for group work (e.g. Flipchart paper, butchers paper, A4 sheets, A5 Cards, post it notes)
  • Pens (e.g. biros, sharpies, poster pens and whiteboard markers)
  • Blue tac, painters tape, pins (different venues have different rules for pinning up materials)
  • Sticky dots (for simple voting)
  • Feedback forms

Extensive Kit of Facilitation Resources Checklist

The following would be sufficient for more complex and longer facilitated in-person engagement

  • Laptop/Cables/screen (for presentations). Ensure venues have screen and AV points required
  • Name tags, sign-in sheets, participant lists
  • AV equipment (handheld, clip on or headset microphones)
  • Paper for group work (e.g. Flipchart paper and easels, butchers paper, A4 sheets, A5 Cards, post it notes)
  • Pens (e.g. biros, sharpies, poster pens and whiteboard markers)
  • Blue tac, painters tape, pins (different venues have different rules for pinning up materials)
  • Voting: Sticky dots, access to smartphones (for real time electronic voting), voting templates
  • Templates (pre-prepared – A5, A4 or A3) to elicit specific data – top ideas, insights, priorities, reflections etc.
  • A3 Clipboards if participants would like to work away from tables
  • Access to laptops for collaborative authoring (if required)
  • Data in: Printed copies of any data needed to complete activities (i.e. summary reports, fact sheets etc)
  • Comprehensive feedback forms (e.g. reflecting on quality of content provided and generated, process and participant experience)
  • Trolley or suitcase on wheels to transport materials
  • Other optional items: stapler, sticky wall and adhesive spray, whiteboard cleaning materials

**Please refer to your chosen engagement method if there is anything else specific required